Length 29.42 ft. (353 in.)
8 ft. (96 in.)
Height 10.42 ft. (125 in.)
Interior Height 6.75 ft. (81 in.)
Dry Weight 4,580 lbs.
Payload Capacity 1,420 lbs.
GVWR 6,000 lbs.
Hitch Weight 470 lbs.
Length 29.42 ft. (353 in.)
8 ft. (96 in.)
Height 10.42 ft. (125 in.)
Interior Height 6.75 ft. (81 in.)
Dry Weight 4,580 lbs.
Payload Capacity 1,420 lbs.
GVWR 6,000 lbs.
Hitch Weight 470 lbs.
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
974 Lake Washington Road
Washington, WV 26181
Phone: (304) 863-3279